Monday, June 25, 2012

Side By Side Comparison

So in my Tropical Summer Sun Manicure Tutorial I mentioned that I was trying a new nail polish routine that I had seen on YouTube. Yeah, so I am so much less than pleased with the results. In fact I am going to say that using Instant Artificials as a base coat is the worst idea in the long sad history of bad nail ideas. Alone as a 'I don't want to do my nails today' protective clear coat it's great, as a base coat is sucks hard core. I decided the best way to show you was by comparing it to the wear and tear of my normal nail polishing routine.

The experiment manicure. Here's how my nails started out.

I used this as my base coat
Salon Sciences Instant Artificials

Here's what it looked like after 12 hours. I had not showered in the 12 hours only washed my hands a few dozen times. I actually decided to take this picture right before I got in the shower and this is what I got.

And here's what it looked like after I showered and blow dried my hair exactly 13 hours after I polished them.
 My left hand had two full nails of polish peeled off and chips on two other nails.

My right hand (I'm right handed) had two and 3/4 full nails worth of polish peeled off and the remaining two nails where both chipped.

13 hours is not an acceptable length of time for a manicure to last. Seriously this was supposed to be the 'miracle' that lasts for weeks manicure solution???? I had more polish missing than polish that remained on my nails. This is what I get for trusting the word of someone with nails so short they are barely past the quick. The tricks that work for barely there nails, don't work for those of us with longer nails. It's easy to not chip nail polish when the free edge is still attached to the quick. I will be sticking with my usual routine and you will see why in just a second I documented my normal wear and tear so that you can see a comparison for yourself.

Here's how my nails started.
I have China Glaze Mummy May I, from the 2010 Halloween collection on my nails if you are wondering.

After 24 hours (1 day) and a full long hot shower.
Minor chippage on one nail and an easily fixed one at that. 

And after 48 hours (2 days) and two full length long showers. A friend of mine and I judge the length a manicure lasts by how many shampoos it survived. For this picture it survived two shampoos. That's pretty impressive.
 This wear and tear could also be from everything else I did while it was on my nails. I did laundry, cleaned my apartment, and cooked dinner both nights (Which as any of you ladies who cook know, cooking has a way of trashing even the best of manicures...specially onions for some reason). I don't go easy on my nails. I don't sit around and do nothing. In fact I don't know that I have ever sat around and done nothing. Even when I talk I use my hands. My hands have to do a lot of work, I want a base and top coat that can take some abuse. Instant Artificials as a base coat didn't come anywhere near filling my needs. I will be sticking with my usual routine. After all this nail/hand usage I only ended up with small chips easily fixed if you know how to work that nail polish wand, with my usual routine. So you are probably wondering what I used as my normal routine. 
Here's a pic. 
My normal base coat and top coat

I'm going to stop at 2 days because in my opinion it's already outlasted the "miracle" YouTube technique that a vloger posted. Granted my way isn't perfect but after 2 showers, shampoos, cleaning my apartment, and cooking, my nails still retain almost entirely polished. And after using Instant Artificials  it failed in a spectacular fashion after a half a day.

Has anyone else tried this method? Did it work for you? What are your thoughts? Comment below. And as always stay classy and stay polished.

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